Friday, December 12, 2008

Kole Sings!

Kole, you have been sick all week! But you got better late yesterday just in time to go to the bank to sing w/ your class @ Wee School. You guys quoted verses, sang some songs, and sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus! Santa and Mrs. Claus were there! We also got to eat some fabulous treats supplied by the bank! What a great way to get into the holiday spirit!


Anonymous said...

Aww! What cute pictures! I so hate that Anna Kate missed it. She was really looking forward to it. Glad to hear Kole's feeling good...hopefully we will be too in a few more days! :)

Anita Pope said...

Kole's little face is full of Christmas spirit!! So, so cute!!
Glad he is feeling better.

Anonymous said...

How sweet and precious the kids look. Glad Kole is bettter. What was wrong? Sorry haven't had a chacne to text. We went to south AR for wedding and JP Ring Bearer and gone all weekend!

the boyd girls.... said...

Glad he is feeling better! Would hate to miss that cute show! He is precious!