Monday, March 9, 2009

I caught Kole praying.....

My kids fight like cats & dogs. That is just what they do. But sometimes I will catch them really loving each other! Yesterday we had a picnic outside. I glanced out the window and I saw Kole praying. I grabbed the camera. Kate really watches what Kole does all the time. She is now praying sweet prayers at night b/c she hears him pray. She is also good to pray before she eats. I think it is neat that Kole is a role model for her. So when she saw him praying, she bowed her little head. I hope I can display this child-like faith daily. I get so rushed sometimes! I am so blessed they have each other to lean on in life. Tambrey


Anonymous said...

So sweet!! I love this! How perfect to catch this pic. We love you guys! Kole-Ashy misses you! We all do!!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! I know you will cherish that picture forever! Jamie R

Heather said...

You HAVE to frame that first picture of them praying...oh, that makes my heart smile!!! How precious! And if it makes us feel this good, imagine how God must feel!!! :)

Lori Harper said...

Oh my goodness! This picture almost makes me cry. How precious!