Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February Memory Verse!

Thank God Beth Moore has encouraged so many women to take part in hiding God's word in their hearts! I am enjoying the challenge and love that I can now say 3 verses! More than that, they have penetrated my heart. I am learning to cleave to them and say them to remind myself who is really in control of my life! God's word is a beautiful love song to me in grief, happiness, and celebration! Here is my 3rd verse for the year!

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies mever come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness". Lamentations 3:22-23
I really love how God has revealed each of the verses to me. It has been like a gentle whisper in my quiet time. I am very serious to really ASK God which one he wants me to memorize. I feel it is also something I need at that time to claim and remember His promises. Great is thy faithfulness! Thank the Lord they are new every morning! And His mercy? WOW! I sure don't deserve it!

1 comment:

Edie said...

Hi Tambrey! His Faithfulness is indeed great. I'm teaching my grandaughters to memorize scripture too. It's amamzing how God arranges the circumstances to give life to those scriptures as we learn them?

Plant those seeds deep my friend!