Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Kate-ee-doo

That is what Kole calls you! When he is at school it gives me extra time with you! There are so many ways to describe my little girl. Here are a few things I want to remember about you!

1) You have the most adorable laugh! Strangers in stores will cackle at you. You are such a ham!

2) Explorative! You want to explore everything w/ out hesitation. I think you are brave. For a girl, you are pretty bold at not letting anything or anyone stand in your way! You love dirt! You play in it all the time and I get such a kick seeing you covered in it! Little tomboy!

3) Independent! Oh boy! Am I going to have some adventures with you! You want to do things your way. No help from mommy! You take the reigns on things. That is a sign of a true leader!

4) Loving! You so love your mommy! In the mornings you will call out loudly"MOMMA! MOMMA! and then reach for me w/ this sweet little smile. When I pick you up, you pat my back and squeeze me tight! (you are so into your daddy when he gets home!)

I took these pics of you drawing today w/ your chalk. Love you little Kate-ee-doo!


Anonymous said...

You forgot my favorite........the way she says MILK! :) I can hear her now. OH and the scrunchy face smile!!! :)

Olivia Grace said...

Your kids are growing up. They are adorable. Leslie

The Uptons said...

Sweet post, little girls are so much fun!

Heather said...

She is so precious! I can't believe how big she is getting....she was just a baby! :) Now she's a big girl!

Anita Pope said...

So cute! I can't believe how big she has gotten. I still remember her from the first few days after birth. Has it been that long since we have seen each other?

the boyd girls.... said...

She is gettting so big! Cute as ever!!!