Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fall Festival @ 1st Baptist Crossett

Our church held its annual Fall Festival last night! Kole and Kate dressed up in Razorback attire! Our Sunday school class read the Parable of the Pumpkin. There was lots of candy and games. I loved Anna Kate's "Raggedy Ann" costume. I included a pic of my sista Beth (in khaki jumpsuit). She is a gem. And then there is Cheryl! She is going to kill me for putting her on my blog! I am so thankful for the wonderful church family we have! We are blessed!


Felicia said...

Thanks for putting my sweet "raggedy ann" on there. She got a kick out of seeing herself on the blog! Thanks for lunch today! The food and fellowship was awesome! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Awww looks like you guys had a blast! Wish I could have been there!

Anita Pope said...

They look so cute in their razorback gear. Hope you all have a fun Halloween.