Monday, August 31, 2009

Dallas Mania

On Thursday I headed to Dallas for "Dallas Mania" convention. This is a 3 day explosion of the newest fitness knowledge and training! It is so much fun! But also very exhausting!! This year Wanda went with me from Crossett. We had a great time! We met all my gals from Conway that I worked with while there.

The amazing thing about my trip this year was getting to see all my friends but also learning new things. I took 2 very helpful personal training classes. But the class that rocked my world was ZUMBA!!! Wanda and I danced so hard and we were so drenched! It was like a party. You just moved to the music. The lady leading it was just so much fun. The whole 1 1/2 was just learning the moves while having a ball! All these ladies, different shapes, sizes, ages, etc were having the time of their lives. I will be teaching Zumba starting next week here in Crossett at our gym. I can't wait!!

This year I also got to meet 2 famous instructors that I love. Julz Arney and Chris Freytag. They are just so unbelievable! I had such a great time and feel truly blessed to have shared this experience with such incredibly strong women. Can't wait till next year!Tambrey

Friday, August 21, 2009

Kole and Kate's 1st Day of School

Tuesday Kate began her school career! She is now a Wee School attendee! She goes from 8:15-2:45 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We were a little nervous since she has never been away from me before. She did GREAT! She has the sweetest teacher. When I picked her up yesterday she was so excited. Her teacher told me she was such a sweet girl!

Kole started the head-start program today! I am so thrilled we got into this program. Being an educator, I am always very particular about the learning process for my kids. We went to an open house on Tuesday night and I was just so impressed with the standards set for Kole's program. Mrs. Ricks, Kole's teacher, is very polished and knows her stuff. When I went into the classroom, I was so impressed. It is just like kindergarten, with centers, a reading lounge, games, math manipulatives, etc. They follow all the Arkansas Frameworks and readiness standards. Kole was so excited this am and had to wear his "Tom and Jerry" shirt.

I am so proud of my sweet babies. (Note to self: They are not babies anymore) I pray God will guide them in their endeavors at school!Tambrey

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Time In Lexa

So my good friend Melissa could do my yoga class Thursday and I packed the kids and headed to my mom's for the weekend. I love going to Lexa b/c I feel so at ease and peaceful. We went straight to my Grandma Tolar's house. I wanted to go thru it b/c it is about to sell. I cried. Kate kept going thru the house calling out for her. Kole was right by my side telling me it was okay. What a sweet boy I have!

On a happier note, we played so much! My dad got my model-T car fixed for the kids! They LOVE riding in it. I thought I was "something else" when I got that car. We played in the yard, went swimming, and did the "slip and slide". Nana took us shopping on Saturday for school clothes.

The pics are so funny! The kids just love being outside! I had such a good time and I am ready to go back soon! Tambrey

Thursday, August 6, 2009

4th of july

TambreyYes, I know I am late getting these on here. It just took this computer-challenging girl awhile to understand the downloading process. Here are a few pics of us cooking out all day w/ my parents. We swam all day! So nice!

Random Pics
