We started reach groups last Wednesday night at church. Benny and I signed up for the parenting class. There is such a need in many churches to have Godly background and scripture that helps support us as parents. We have a small, intimate group of 4 couples. I love how every week we are in the same home and we get to eat and fellowship before getting into our studies. We are studying: "Parenting God's Way:A Biblical Look At Parenting your Children. Last week each parent shared concerns on their hearts and I just felt this closeness we all share wanting to raise our kids in healthy, loving, God-enriched environments. Our group has two wonderful leaders named John and Diane Wooten. They have children who are grown, so their mentoring is absolutely uplifting. Here are some of the scriptures we studied and meditated on this week in our quiet time:
Psalm 127:3
Mark 10:13-16
Proverbs 17:6
Proverbs 22:6
Proverbs 29:15
Our title this past week was. "Is your child a burden or a blessing?" I feel everyday that I fail my children in some area. Sometimes I don't have the very best day with them and everything falls apart. I feel like a failure. What I am learning is that yes, I am a failure if I try to do ANYTHING without God's help in parenting. I must daily seek His help and guidance. As Shannon pointed out in our group, they are only ours for a little while. They are a gift. God hand-picked me to be Kole and Kate's mommy. I must invest daily in prayer and opportunites to show my kids what it means to love God and obey His commandments. I am so thankful for our group! I know God is going to show us something new every week to apply in our hearts!