Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Halloween. When I was a kid I just loved pretending to be someone else. Now it is fun to watch Kole and Kate live out the fun! I got up this am to a cold but beautiful sunny long run and got to see all the decorations. We then watched "spooky cartoons" and I made us a big lunch. After naps we headed to the Crossett library for trick or treating there. Kate and Kole won the cake walk and got cupcakes. Then we were off to Beth's house to meet up with friends to trick or treat! Afterwards we ate delicious chili , hotdogs, chips, and goodies. The kids went wild and got lots of candy. We then came home and did a little trick or treating down out street. It is only 8pm and I am tired. Hope everyone had a great Halloween!Tambrey

Friday, October 30, 2009

Kole's First Halloween Party

Today I went to Kole's pre-k class and helped with the party. They had goody bags and cookies from Teresea's bake shop! (NOT AS GOOD AS MAGGIE'S IN CONWAY). But it will work! They played games and danced. So cute! I am so glad I am a stay-at-home mom and can participate in events! Tambrey

Kole's Field Trip to the Crossett Zoo

Here are a few pics of Kole's class at the Pumpkin patch/Crossett zoo. We had such a good time. Kate came, too. She loves being with her big brother! We got to pick our very own pumpkin out and decorate it with stickers. There was even a gracious scarecrow who helped us! Tambrey

Dinner with Friends

So Bridgette turned 38! WHOO HOO! We had to celebrate at Fiesta Linda's!! I have some incredible women in my life. These girls and I just have a blast when we are together! I think we almost got kicked out of there that night we were so LOUD!Tambrey

Long Time, No Blog!

Busy is the word in the Kinley household! Kole is in pre-k 5 days a week and Kate goes to Wee school 2 days a week. I am still so busy personal training and teaching classes at the gym. Here is some pics!

Here are a few pics of Kole's field trip to the fire station. He was scared of the fire truck. His best friend Bryce is so cute! They are inseperable!Tambrey